scientific-technological park, vucevica, near split (competition), 2013, 3 rd prize
- scientific-technological park, vucevica, near split (competition), 2013, 3 rd prize
national park krka, lozovac entrance (competition), 2012, 3 rd prize
national park krka, lozovac entrance (competition), 2011, honorable mention
the judicial square – trg pravde (competition), zagreb, 2008, 1st prize
adris headquarters (competition), zagreb, 2007, 1st prize ex aequo
city sports hall (competition), varazdin, 2006, 2nd prize
shortlisted for the EU Mies van der Rohe Award 2009 -best 40, kindergarten MB, 2009
PIRANESI AWARD, (kindergarten MB), 2007
proffesional association, jury member
jury member, national competition, sports hall and school, župa dubrovačka, 2014
jury member, national competition, radeljevic-libertas, dubrovnik, 2012
jury member, national competition, sumartin beach, dubrovnik, 2012
jury member, international competition, EUROPAN 11, dubrovnik, 2011
jury member, national competition, mixed use development, zagreb, 2011
jury member, national competition, church and civic center, zagreb, 2009
presidential board of architectural association dubrovnik, 2010-2012, 2012-2014
regional comittee (dubrovnik county) for evaluation of architectural/urban design, 2010-
presidential board of croatian architects association, 2013-2015
teaching, lectures
assistant professor, faculty of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy, split, 2020
visiting critic – student workshop, orebic, 2012
mentor – BERLAGE master class, 4th IABR/international architectural bienalle/, rotterdam, 2009
teaching assistant at faculty of civil engineering&architecture, university of split, 2008-2010, 2015-2019
lecture @
pecha kucha, dubrovnik, 2017
dani arhitekture, DAI SAI, pula 2016
euplett EU conference, falkenberg, sweden, 2014
conference – sustainable urban development, dubrovnik, 2013
public lecture – croatian architects’ association, zagreb, 2013
orebic workshop, DIY urbanism, orebic, 2012
pecha kucha, split, 2011
faculty of architecture, split, 2011
3 rd congress of croatian architects, split, 2010
ARL, urbanism for beginners, dubrovnik, 2009